The recently-published ‘BusinessAnalysis for Dummies‘ features the chapter ‘Ten Experts Chime In‘, and I was honoured to be invited to contribute as one of these experts.
I remember receiving an email just before Christmas 2012, from Kupe Kupersmith, with the subject line ‘Want to be in a book?’ That was a no brainer. Who wouldn’t? Unfortunately, I was on a road-trip from Brisbane to Melbourne down the east coast of Australia, and if I was to contribute, I had to write an initial draft and get it off to them within just a few days.
Ever one to rise to a challenge, I suggested a couple of topics I could write about, and Kupe came back saying that no-one else had volunteered to write about data modelling. And so it was that I penned a few hundred words on why data modelling is still so important but appears to be a dying art, with a lot of new entrants to the business analysis discipline not developing their skills in this area.
“From the simplicity of the visual glossary to the sophistication of a fully dressed class diagram or entity relationship diagram, data modelling helps describe, visualise, and analyse the things you develop, enhance, or create.”
The book was published on July 22, and is now available through all .